Some design constraints are unique to Australia.
The continent is home to some of the most exotic species on Earth but one of the more amazing statistics is the number of deadly species.
Of the 25 most venomous snakes in the world, Australia has 21 of them! Their spider stats are equally impressive with some of the worlds most poisonous spiders calling Australia home.
Australia also has more than its fair share of other species such as Australian Hornet Wasps, which can make life very unpleasant for us humans.
Snakes, spiders, and wasps all like to hide and build nests in dark, cramped spaces such as inside open-end aluminium extrusions.
When designing the otterdock® – Safe Docking Platform our engineers incorporated enclosures to blank off the custom extrusions and prevent unwelcome guests setting up residence.
Aeris Global products are designed to promote safe work places