Aeris Global is proud to have been named by Western Bay of Plenty District Council as the nominated sub-contractor for the Waihi Beach WWTP Upgrade – SBR Works Package.
The PDP designed Sequential Batch Reactor project incorporates aerators, mixers, decanters and safe access.
Aeris Global offered 450kW of aquaturbo® Model AER-AS Floating Surface Aerators, 111kW of aquaturbo® Model MIX-AS Floating Downdraft Mixers, aquadecant® Floating Decanters and otterdock®- Safe Docking Platforms.
The project is a perfect fit for the Aeris Global scope of supply and services. The Aeris Global Field Service Team will deliver, install and commission the entire package of equipment.
In keeping with the Aeris Global philosophy of providing THE COMPLETE PACKAGE, all proprietary installation accessories from the aercable® and aerisanchor® product ranges are also included.
QUALITY IS A CHOICE – Leading organisations choose Aeris Global