The Aeris Global Australia stand proved popular for seasoned professionals as well as being a magnet for young enquiring minds on Day-3, when future engineers from Sydney schools were allowed to attend.
We were equally delighted to catch up with existing clients and to share our products with future clients and generations.
The stand featured the world leading aquaturbo® Model AER-AS Floating Surface Aerator and introduced the unique aerdisc® Directional Aerator.
A full-size aquaturbo® AER-AS 30kW Power-section was displayed complete with an operable four-function lifting saddle.
Ozwater’23 was the official Australian launch of aerdisc® Directional Aerator so an entire rotor assembly was on display along with the drive assembly.
The Aeris Global team included Australasian Project Manager, Darrel Clark and Australasian aerdisc® Pilot Study Coordinator, Holly Anderson.
20 aerdisc® Directional Aerators are allocated for Australian Pilot Studies with 14 already placed. The Australian Pilot Study is a larger scale repeat of the recently completed, and highly successful, New Zealand Pilot Study. The Pilot Study runs for 6-months and at the conclusion, the Pilot Study partner has the right to purchase, but not the obligation.
aerdisc® is a gamechanger for lagoon aeration because it sets new standards of oxygen transfer, has no capacity to rag and is purpose-designed to prevent short-circuiting.
Six units remain available for placement so please email if you have a site where low DO, ragging or short-circuiting is a problem. The more challenging the better!
Bring on Ozwater’24 in Melbourne! Hope to see you there.